16 qt. PK Stainless Steel Twin Shell Blender 115/230 v 1 ph

Stock no. B-4506

16 qt. PK Stainless Steel Twin Shell Blender
Patterson Kelly s/n LB-4629 with spot for liquid injection bar (n/i)
Main drive is approximately 1/4 to 1/2 Hp to a chain drive to 24 rpm
The bar motor is 3/4 Hp, 3450 rpm. Voltage is 115/230 v, 1 ph.
Separate on/off switches for each.
(2) 10 inch x 16 inch shells, O/a 37 inch x 37 inch x 59 inch tall
(2) clamp lids and an oval bottom outlet with clamped closure
It is mounted on a portable cart with a safety cage.

(1) available

Posted in -NEW ARRIVALS, Blenders and Dryers.